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It covers damage done to your car in an accident.

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Q: Which of these sentences describes collision coverage automobile insurance?
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WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information. Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? What things would you say about an automobile to your friend? If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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Which of these sentences describes liability automobile insurance coverage?

Auto liability insurance is a type of car insurance that covers the policyholder in the event that they cause an accident and are found to be at fault. It provides financial protection for the policyholder in the event that they are sued by the other driver(s) involved in the accident. Liability coverage typically includes two types of coverage: bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Bodily injury liability covers the medical expenses of the other driver(s) and any passengers in their vehicle. In contrast, property damage liability covers the cost of repairing or replacing any property that was damaged in the accident, such as another vehicle or a fence.

What are some example sentences using the word midair?

The midair collision of the two planes was horrifying.