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Q: Which insurance policy covers hail damage to an automobile?
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Related questions

The coverage included in an automobile insurance policy that covers property damage is what insurance?

its liability insurance

The coverage included in an automobile insurance policy that covers property damage is insurance?

liability insurance. -twiggy.

The coverage included in an automobile insurance policy that covers property damage is what kind of insurance?

Liability Insurance

Where can one find an insurance policy that covers windscreen repair?

Automobile insurance that covers chips, cracks, or total breaks of a windscreen are typically dependent on the cause of the damage. Companies like Allianz, AA, and Churchill all allow policy holders to cover damage to their windscreens.

What coverage included in an automobile policy covers property damage?


The coverage included in an automoblie insurance policy that covers property damage is insurance?

the answer is liability

Does home insurance cover damage to visitors car?

No, Home insurance does not provide coverage for automobiles, it does not matter who the automobile belongs too. That's what auto insurance is for. Damage to an automobile would be covered under the vehicle owners auto insurance policy.

Are you covered for tornado damage even thou your policy does not have hurricane insurance for your home.?

Your policy will not specifically say it covers "hurricane" or "tornado" damage. If if covers wind, then your loss would be covered.

How do automobile insurance policies work?

Automobile insurance policies usually vary by region and country. In most countries, a standard automobile insurance policy works by covering third-party liabilities to your automobile, statutory accident benefits, and property damage compensation.

Does homeowners insurance cover a vehicle if it got hailed on while on the property?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover Hail damage to an Automobile.Hail damage to an automobile is covered by the vehicles Auto insurance policy. Vehicles are not scheduled property on a homeowners policy.

Do you have to list your spouse and your spouse's vehicles on your insurance policy?

No. Added: If it is an automobile policy or a 'blanket' policy that you intend to insure it with, yes, it will have to be listed. If the policy you refer to covers ONLY your vehicle, and no other, then no.

What is typically covered in your house insurance policy?

The typical house insurance policy covers damage to your property and personal liability coverage. Damage to your property includes fire, lightning, tornado, and hurricanes.