

Best Answer

With many insurnace companies out there and americans wanting to get the best coverage for the best price its always important to do your homework. Don't just look at price when shopping, look at the what the company offers. Does the smaller company offer the same coverage as the bigger companies? Look into well known insurance companies like Farmers, State Farm, Progressive. These are the top 3 insurance companies. From there decide what you want in coverage.

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Q: Which insurance companies in Florida have the best auto insurance rates?
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What are the average auto insurance rates in Florida?

The average auto insurance rates in Florida are slightly lower than the national average. The average auto insurance rate in Florida is around $1,550.

What companies offer affordable auto insurance rates?

The companies that offer affordable auto insurance rates are Tesco Bank, Asda Auto Insurance, and Direct Line Car Insurance. One can also compare rates of insurance from different car insurance companies, in order to get an affordable rates.

Where can one get rates for auto insurance companies?

There are many places where you can get rates for auto insurance companies. The best place to check would be the websites called DMV. They have a wide range of rates.

Are van insurance rates higher than regular auto insurance?

Van insurance rates are higher than regular auto insurance rates, this is because of the fact that vans are very large. You can get van rates at Progressive, Geico, and many other auto insurance companies.

What are some auto insurance companies in Florida?

Some cheap auto insurance companies in Florida are Swift Cover, Florida Insure, Insure and Go and Complete Insurance. Of these, Insure and Go are considered to be the cheapest but this will depend on your circumstances.

Where can a person find auto insurance comparison rates?

Someone can find auto insurance comparison rates from a number of websites such as Insurance Hunter. The website Insurance Hunter offers detailed auto insurance comparisons of various companies.

What companies offer automobile insurance in Florida?

The following are some companies that offer automobile insurance in Florida; Liberty Mutual Insurance, Direct Auto Insurance, and Mercury Insurance Group.

What is the rate of auto insurance in Florida?

For the people that live in Florida the rate of auto insurance will vary for each state dependant on the area that the person enquiring about the insurance lives in. Throughout the years according to the information through the internet the rates of auto insurance in Florida has increased.

Which companies can provide the lowest auto insurance rates?

For auto insurance the best companies I have experienced are Unitrin Direct , Allstate, and geico insurance for lowest rates allthough the only way to know for sure is to compare for yourself using as many companies to compare as possible.

What kind of auto insurance companies offer low rates?

Companies like Katz, Safe Auto and the General,offer low rates. It all depends on what type of insurance that you are looking for and your driving record and location.

Where can one find an auto insurance company online?

Online there are many auto insurance companies. Esurance is an online website, which compares several auto insurance rates online. You can compare the rates and choose the insurance company which fits the best.

Does hsbc offer comparable auto insurance rates?

Yes, HSBC Auto offers comparable auto insurance rates to other major insurance companies. You can call their 1-800 number or you can even apply online at their website.