1. Other passengers
2. Cell phones (calls and texts)
3. Stereo (ipods cds)
Driver Error
Most collisions are a result of excessive speed, driver inattention, following too close, failure to yield the right-of-way, or DUI.
Actually . . ., most are caused by driver inattention.
The most common teen crash is caused by driver inexperience, especially with risky behaviors like speeding, distraction, and not wearing seat belts. These factors increase the likelihood of collisions and injuries among teenage drivers.
The main cause for most collisions is driver error, including speeding, distracted driving, running red lights, and impaired driving. These actions can lead to a lack of focus, reaction time, or control, resulting in accidents.
The primary reason is driver error. Most collisions at controlled intersections occur after a complete stop because the driver fails to look both ways before proceeding through the intersection. The other driver fails to rec­ognize a stop or yield sign, resulting in a collision.
Which combination of factors contributed most to the start of the Great Depression of the 1930's?
A hub creates the most traffic collisions.
Head-on collisions are usually the most fatal ones.
most fatique related collisions occur between 3 and 5 am