George Smiley (played by Alec Guinness) in Episode 4 of the mini series "Smiley's People" (1982).
Liam neeson
Hero HX250R is the 200cc-300cc bike that is best for the long drives.
There is a great work of literature that includes the beast, Grendel. In the story of Beowulf, the eponymous hero slays the monster, Grendel.
Zachary Taylor
Raise it with hero characters and give it running type animals/green chaos drives
Zachary Taylor
Sir Percy Blakeney,the eponymous hero of Baroness Orczy's novel "The Scarlet Pimpernel" is, viewed from a British perspective, good. The French revolutionaries would have seen him as bad.
The easiest way is to raise the chao with hero characters (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles) and don't give it any animals or chaos drives and when it evolves it will be a hero stamina (or 'none') chao. Then give the chao almost nothing (apart from food) other than swim animals (seal, otter, penguin) or yellow chaos drives. It will gradually change in looks and become a hero stamina swim.
American General, and later President Zachary Taylor (1784-1850)
Nathan Barley is the eponymous hero of a situation comedy on the UK's Channel 4. The character is known for his website which features photographs of pranks, of himself with famous people - usually photoshopped in - and himself in different cities around the world.
A protagonist is the main character in a story, often seen as the hero or central figure around whom the plot revolves. They are typically the character whose journey or growth drives the narrative forward.