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Many companies in CA offer home insurance. Check out the Yellow Pages in your local area and you will see numerous companies. Many advertise their specialties in the Yellow Pages and you can choose one that meets your needs.

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Q: Which companies in CA offer home insurance?
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If you look in the phone book, you should be able to locate many insurance companies that offer low rates and budget insurance.

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It will depend on the condition you are diagnosed with. Here is some info on how to get covered

What insurance companies provide auto insurance for CA?

Many insurance companies will provide auto insurance for residents of the state of California. Some of these include Geico, Allstate, Prudential, Infinity, Progressive and State Farm.

Where can one find car insurance companies in CA?

You can find car insurance companies in California, using a telephone directory. Another option is to visit the Altius Directory online, where they provide a full list of the companies.

On which website can I receive a car insurance quote for San Diego, CA?

There are several websites that offer car insurance quote for San Diego, CA. I would suggest trying

Are there schools to become an insurance agent in Los Angeles, CA?

Los Angeles City College offer courses in real estate such as real estate investing and finance. There are also home study courses available to become an insurance agent.

What companies near San Francisco offer insurance for fleets of vehicles?

After doing a bit of research, I discovered this site. I suggest exploring it, yourself. I hope this helps you with your quest for insurance!

Why do rental companies want to know your car insurance?

I can only speak for California, and in Ca we do not ask for proof of insurance. It's up to the renter to know what they have, and do not have. In Ca the renter is responsible for any damage regardless of fault.

Does insurance companies pay for cancer victim wig?

It looks like they are mandated to in CA starting 7/1/2007

How do I get CA uninsured motorist insurance?

The best way to receive insured motorist insurance is to ask local departments about any recommendations they may have. It's always best to know first-hand the experience others have had while under that company. If this does not work, the big-shot insurance companies such as All-State or Progressive offer affordable insurance that can work around your budget and the specifics you have in mind.

What insurance company has a policy number starting with PA-CA?

Many companies use these prefixes. Policy numbers are not standardized and companies use whatever fits their system. PA stands for Personal Auto and CA stands for Commercial Auto.

How does someone with a DUI get CA car insurance?

You get car insurance the same way as anyone else, only you will be paying a lot more than the average driver. Some insurance companies will not even cover a driver with a DUI so you have to go to the smaller, more expensive companies.