most parts of a car are made from medal of any kind because medal is a conductor of electricity. The most common conductor is iron
Cast iron, aluminum, magnesium, steel, plastic, & composite parts.
Cost. Cast iron is relatively cheap compared to other metals.
Certain car parts can be made by running molten metal into a mould formed in special sand. This process is were the term caste iron comes from.
Aluminium weighs less and it doesn't rust. It's about as hard as iron, too.
car bodies are made of steel alloy that contains iron and carbon.
Sometimes a hammer can be made out of iron
In the past (quite a long time ago!) most car manufacturers actually made all the parts that went into the car, so they bought metal, plastic, wood, etc, and then made parts out of these materials, then made a car with the parts they had made. These days most car companies buy parts made by other companies, and then "assemble" the parts into a car. So they no longer "manufacture" a car, they "assemble" it.
iron ore
no because a care is made out of iron and iron is a type of rock
Nearly All American car parts are made in China, especially Ford.
Items made out of ferrous material include steel beams, iron nails, metal tools, and car parts such as engine blocks. Ferrous materials are those that contain iron, which make them strong and durable for various applications.