That logo us used by the Audi make
potato chips are delicious
The only car company that i am aware of with 4 circles is Audi and i believe that they are German engineered luxury vehicles
You interlock the 3 large circles as in how part of the Olympic rings look, or as in a Venn diagram. So, each large circle shares are a section with each of the other two, and there is a central section that is within all 3 circles. Now, simply place a small circle in each of the 7 sections of the diagram: - the 3 sections that are only in 1 large circle - the 3 sections that are within 2 large circles - the 1 central section that is within all 3 large circles Voila! You have 4 small circles within each large circle.
4/(7) = 4/7 is the ratio of circles to triangles. Some prefer to express this as 4:7.
It is 4/1.
The jingle has 4 notes in the logo
Circles - 2008 Noah 1-4 was released on: USA: 2 March 2008
a circle has 4 sides