You can get an mpg calculator for your car at the local custom
car shops. They will install it for you if you buy it from them.
They make them very fast for any car.
There are a lot of online websites where you can access an MPG
calculator. I recommend you to try one of the following
sites, or
What is the most mpg a car has?
Usually highway driving is where a car gets the most mpg.
You can't just lower the mileage per say, but you have the chose
to restart the mileage calculator. Every car is different so
consider taking a look at your Owner's Manual or locating a local
mechanic for further instructions.
Discovering A Dependable MPG Calculator ?
Discovering a dependable MPG calculator can help you out
tremendously on your next trip. Just make sure that you are able to
secure this device as inexpensively as possible before you make the
purchase. Some GPS systems actually have this feature built into
the device. You can click in on and it will calculate your MPG.
Newer models of cars also have this feature as a stock amenity.
Make sure that you ask your car dealer about this feature before
buying a new vehicle. Lastly, there are apps for your phone that
can calculate your MPG without hassle.