Depends on the vehicle and how it is set up. Some are connected before the throttle plate (ported vacuum or delayed vacuum) and some are connected after the throttle plate (straight manifold vacuum). More info needed.
The Vacuum line usually connects to the brake booster , or atleast it does in my Ford explorer
vacuum advance can connect anywhere there is vacuum present,carbuerator base is a good spot
It won't. That vacuum line tells the distributor When to advance the timing. There isn't enough vacuum loss to stall an engine.
the line is connected to the carburettor if you have one or to the intake manifold after the throttle valve. The purpose is to connect intake vacuum to the booster.
-Disconnect vacuum hose at old vacuum advance "can".-Remove distributor cap - wires can usually be left attached to cap, but red wire to cap may have to be disconnected to manipulate cap away from disty.-Remove ignition rotor.-Remove two ( usually ) screws attaching Vac. Advance can to distributor.-Carefully disengage vac. advance can lever from advance mechanism on disty.-Remove can.-Install new can;manipulate advance can lever ( rod ) into nub on advance ring before tightening screws holding down advance can onto distributor.-Install rotor.-Reinstall disty. cap - making sure 4 hold-down screws are seated securely.-Re-connect any wires disconnected from cap.-Re-connect vacuum line to advance can.Drive happily, with more power on hills.-J.Snick -- Question Authority --
That vacuum line connects to a nipple on the #3 carburetor just under the #3 intake. The other end connects to the vacuum advance mounted on the pulse generator at the rear of the engine. It should be routed under not over the fuel lines as they connect to the fuel pump.
There should be a vacuum source on the carb above the throttle body that gives spark ported vacuum. You can connect a tube from this source to the distributor.
It hooks to a vacuum port on the intake manifold behind the carb.
well, that's not really a question, but the only vacuum line goes from the vacuum advance on the side of the dizzy, to the carburettor, just around the throttle linkage if i recall. hope this helps.
Disconnect and plug the vacuum line and time the engine. Reconnet the vaccum and recheck the timing which should be advanced.
most vehicle has a sticker under hood that is a "road map" for vacuum hoses, shed a good falshlight in the area and get to work,
If it is on the front of the carb then it goes to the vacume advance on the distributer, if it is the big one on the back, either the shift down if you have auto trans, or uasualy pluged if you have a manual trans.