You should keep important insurance papers in a secure place, like a safe, bank safety deposit box, or a secure place inside your home.
You should keep tax papers for at least 3 years, but it's recommended to keep them for up to 7 years in case of an audit.
You should keep tax papers for at least three years after filing your tax return.
You need to keep your EOB quarterly to compare with your secondary insurance as per Medicare only sends quarterly. If everything matches in you quarter you no longer need to keep them. Most people keep them an extra quarter to ensure there are no errors.
Well, if you can afford it on your budget, you should get travel insurance. It is more important to keep her safe just in case an accident happens.
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The documents you need to keep in your car in Illinois are the registration, drivers license, and insurance papers. The papers need to be kept in the dash or other safe place.
You should keep the records for a minimum of 5 years.
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The purpose of receivables insurance is to get insurance for your company and keep it safe. Insurance is very important in many aspects in life and recivable insurance is great for companies.
This is up to you to know. I would suggest that you look at her bank statements and see if monthly payments were drafted out of her account at the same amount each month, quarter, or yearly by and insurance company. Also look where she would keep any important papers to see if you can find policies. These two ways should give you places to look. Also ask someone she would tell about important issues if not you. There is no list of life insurance policies to search.
It is important to keep papers stored in an office filing cabinet so that you know exactly where they are when they are needed.
Only if you intend to get it back.