If you mean the low coolant sensor, it is located on the radiator about 3-4 inches below the cap, it screws into the back side of the radiator. There is also a low washer fluid sensor located in the top of the winshield washer reservior.
Low washer fluid or defective sensor in reservoir
All you need to do is add washer fluid. If the light is still on, the sensor or wiring have failed.All you need to do is add washer fluid. If the light is still on, the sensor or wiring have failed.
Assuming you mean the low windshield washer fluid indicator, by just filling the reservoir with windshield washer fluid, the light should turn off. If not, the low washer fluid sensor may be faulty.
The washer fluid sensor is probably bad.
There is a magnetic float inside the washer fluid tank that causes a magnetic sensor on the outside of the tank to activate when the fluid is low. Either the sensor is bad or the float is stuck.
Winshield washing fluid low
If fluid is full - bad sensor?
Low fluid level, bad pump, blown fuse, or more than likely clogged washer fluid spray orifice. Wax can get into the orifice and clog it. Check them and use a needle to clean them out.
You have a level sensor or wiring malfunction.
A sensor light on the dash will come on indicating the car needs new washer fluid. To change the fluid, you open the hood and locate the container with the washer fluid symbol on it. You can unscrew the cap and pour more water in.
If the sensor is functioning properly, when you add the washer fluid the light should turn off automatically; no additional action required.