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its on the passenger side its kinda hard to see unless u have it up on a hoist but its one of the last pulleys on the bottom

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Q: Where is the water pump on a 2006 Chevrolet impala 3500 V6 motor located?
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Heater. Core

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Under the hood.

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No, the pump can be changed without dropping or removing the engine.

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The engine thermostat, on a 2008 Chevy Impala 3.5 V6, is located on the lower front side of the engine. The thermostat will have a water hose going into the top of it.

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it's on the front of the engine block below the water pump

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the water pump is located under the side motor mount behind the lower timing cover on the drivers side of the motor.

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Where is the water pump located on a 2004 Chevy impala?

Front of the engine. Look for the engine end of the lower radiator hose.