Many cars have that info displayed on a sticker in the drivers door jam area or in the trunk area. That info will also be found in the drivers/owners manual.
The recommended tire pressure should be on the actual tire. Tire pressure is not assigned by car, but by the different types of tires you can put on the car. You should find this information on the wall of the tire more towards the hubcap than the edge.
on the door jam of the car you should see a decal with the proper tire pressure for your car
Yes, you can use a car tire pressure gauge on a bike to check the tire pressure.
Pressure is equal throughout the tire.
Air pressure is the same throughout the tire.
No. A car will get better mileage with the correct tire pressure.
Tire pressure depends on the tire. The pressure recommendation that come with the car are for the specific type, size and rating that came on the car.
If inside and outside same pressure that means there is no pressure. The added pressure is what blows the tire up like a balloon and holds the weight of the car up.
The tire itself should have a "MAX PSI" number printed on the side. This number, however, is the maximum rating for the tire, and not necessarily the correct tire pressure for the tire on a particular car. Check your car's owner's manual or the sticker on the inside of the driver door frame for information on tire pressure. You can also ask your local body shop or gas station.
The maximum tire pressure is printed on the tire. Try looking in the car's manual for the correct pressure.
If you open the drivers side door, there should be information on the side of the door that would touch the car frame one of the things it lists is tire pressure.
The best tire pressure for your car should be found in the car manual. Failing that, the car manufacturer should be able to answer the question. The producer of your tires should also be able to supply valid information on the correct pressure. If all this fails, then any reputable car mechanic or car workshop should definitely be able to help you.