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chevrolet and other GM use the HR100T AC compressor
Some do and some do not depending on the year, make and model but just check on the rear of the compressor and you will be able see if it does or not.
where do i find the low side to attach the hose for filling on the ac
You need to buy a washer kit. GM changed the design but can be they can be retrofitted easily. You can buy them from GM or from the website link.
Note:The accumulator/drier should be replaced whenever the compressor is replaced Caution:On models with a Delco Loc 2 or Theftlock audio system be sure the lockout feature is turned off before proceeding * Have the AC system discharged.Disconnect the neagtive battery cable * Clean the compressor thourghly around the refrigerant line fittings * Remove the serpentine belt * Raise and support it securely vehicle on jackstands * Disconnect the electrical connector from the AC compressor * Disconnect the suction and discharge lines from the compressor.Both lines are mounted to the back of the compressor with a plate secured by one bolt.Plug the open fittings and discard the seals between the plate and compressor * Unbolt and remove the rear compressor mount.It may be necessary to remove the right side engine mount bolt and raise the engine to access the rear compressor mount bolts * Remove the compressor to front bracket bolts and nuts and remove the compressor from the engine compartment
I apologize if I do not understand what you are asking but if the a/c compressor will not cycle then you will need to check the pressure switch but on some of the GM cars and trucks they have what is called a variable displacement compressor, meaning that the a/c compressor with not cycle while its on.......
There is an engineering issue with the actuator for the rear air that causes a piece of plastic to burn up. There is no fix for this as of yet and GM is not offering temp repairs for free! There is not a separate compressor, but there is a separate condensor.
A lot of vehicles will activate the A/C compressor in 'Defrost' mode. Either Bi-Level or defroster will turn on the A/C compressor. I know in a lot of GM vehicles, even just the floor selection will turn it on.
a/c compressor or air ride compressor?gm Jim
Typically there will be 8 of them. 1 on each tire, including the spare. 1 on the fuel pressure test port, 1 on the high side AC and 1 on the low side AC. If you're wanting to charge the AC, most GM vehicle low side AC ports are near the firewall, on the passenger side, but that's not always the case. one foolproof way, follow the AC lines from the compressor. one of the lines will go to the condenser (behind the radiator). The OTHER line is the low pressure line. Follow that one back until you find the test port.
The R4 ac compressors (new) are currently being manufactured by 4 Seasons. They build them for Delphi, and add the Delco/ Delphi stickers onto them. That said, they are also available here: www.acpartshouse.com First off a GM compressor is an R4 OEM compressor made by Delphi. Delphi subcontracts the manufacturning to another company. I do recommend you get a new one, but it does not need to be OEM new. The price at the dealer is a joke. www.discountacparts.com has new aftermarket and new OEM ones available.
You need to locate the switch on the evaporator canister that is located on the passenger side firewall. IT should look like a large can wraped in foam. Unplug the switch and jump it with an insulated wire. It should engage the clutch on the compressor when jumped.