The Vehicle Speed Sensor will be on top of the transmission, at the transmission output. Wheel Speed Sensors will be located at each wheel.... the latter are for ABS.
On a 97 528i the speed sensor is located on the transmission tail shaft housing at the top.
That one is easy it attaches to the pad. When it wears too low it must be replaced
The air conditioner blower motor is located on the firewall in the engine compartment in 2000 BMW 528i.
Left side upper portion of the radiator.
Located next to the crankshaft pulley
try to reset oil light on 528i bmw year 2000
I would like to know, where the ac blower is located on a 1999 BMW 528i
My 2000, 528I executive package new in Las Vegas was $36,200 off the show room floor.
I mean a Trans position sensor I mean a Trans position sensor
It looks like this:
It is in the trunk.