Need to know which engine the 02 S10 has.
After the catalytic converter.
The 2002 Mitsubishi Gallant radio has two fuses. There will be an in-line fuse behind the radio. There will be a radio fuse in the fuse box.
The 02 Chevy S10 with a 4 cylinder or a 6 cylinder does not have a timing belt.
It don't have a fuse for the 02 sensors.
try all S10 2 wheel drives are the same from 82 to 02
It's on the throttle body, opposite side of the throttle cable.
where is the windshield washer fuse located on a 02 chevy truck?
It might be in the diagram of parts and places, if comes with it.
i did not think so, there is a fuse on fuse panel for dash and accessories. Now if someone has changed out the radio say from hi-fi buys they will put an inline fuse to the radio. In that case all bets are off.
Three altogether. Two upstream and one down stream.
The engine holds 4 and one half qts. of motor oil with filter change.