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You don't actually drive a truck, do you?

There isn't a switch - the spring brakes (parking brakes) are actuated by pulling out on the tractor brake control valve. This evacuates air from the emergency chamber of the brake chambers, which in turn releases the spring brakes. The springs push the brakes into an engaged position, and that's your parking brake. It's typically the yellow knob (the red one is the trailer air supply). In the case of custom valve covers replacing the OEM ones, it'll be the one on the right.

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10y ago
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I DO drive a truck and the later model 379s DO HAVE a parking brake switch. When you pull that yellow knob out to set the tractor brakes the switch actuates a light on the dash informing you that your parking brake is set. Searching for switch location.
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james greene

Lvl 1
1y ago
Park brake switch is behind dash , behind left ac duct ,mounted on frame gusset. , Hard to see and even harder to get to , it's mounted to aluminium block with two wires on one side and air line on other side

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Q: Where is the park brake switch on peterbilt 379?
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