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I'm assuming you are talking about engine oil and not transmission or axle. The engine oil plug is at the lowest level of the engine oil pan. You need to make sure you are looking at the engine oil pan and not the transmission pan. They are pretty close to each other and can be confused if you don't know which is which. On some cars the transmission doesn't even have a plug to drain it. If your car only has one drain plug (bolt) that is probably the engine. Good luck.

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Q: Where is the oil release bolt?
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look under the frame of your bike just in front of the rear should be able to locate the drain line with a bolt or something as a plug and a screw fastener holding the bolt in the tube. simple take a flat head screw driver to release the tension on the fastner, remove the bolt, and make sure you have you oil pan in place to catch the old oil draining out

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yes, in order to do, you must get bolt out. one in bottom of oil pan and one in oil pan

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It has a oil check Bolt on the clutch side. You fill up the trike with oil until it starts coming out of the oil check bolt.

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Use a bolt out the same as an easy out but for bolts & nuts. Craftsman sells a set for about $20.00

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Counter clockwise.Counter clockwise.

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How do you change oil in 2002 Honda xr200r?

there should be a bolt near the bottom of the engine, simply remove bolt and drain oil into pan. put bolt back in and fill with motorcycle oil that meets specifications to Honda

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there should be a big bolt near your clutch, undo that bolt (oil will come out) close it and fill up your oil

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Transmission oil level, from the owner's manual: 1. With the engine off and the ATV on level ground remove the oil check bolt on the right crankcase cover, just below the oil fill hole cap. 2. Oil should flow out of the bolt hole. After checking, tighten the oil check bolt securely. 3. If oil does not flow out, add oil slowly through the oil filler hole until it starts to flow out of the oil check bolt hole.

How do you do an oil change on a 2000 kx80?

Under neath the bike there is one bolt and unscrew the bolt then the oil will spill out make shore all the oil is out then screw the bolt back on but not to tite then there will be a black cap that sees oil unscrew that and put the fresh oil in and screw the black cap on snug tite

What happens if you forget to put the bolt back on after you change your oil?

What bolt? If you mean the old drain plug , it will be self evident! Big mess on the ground and seized engine. There is no "bolt" to remove when you change your oil, only the oil drain plug.