Feel around the edges of the engine oil pan and you should find it. -However a few cars do not have them and the entire pan has to come off.
2003 es300 lexus
every 60,000 miles
It is near the rear spark plug bank the right side
under the hood the cap will say diagnosis. and its a specialized plug. youll need a Toyota obd1 connector
In front of the engine Behind the housing cap theres a small plug which is the temperature sensor. Hope this helps.
96 Lexus ES doesn't have spark plug wires in the traditional sense. As it has Coil on Plug (COP) coils, it has more like a wiring harness to replace. IMHO it's doubtful this has gone bad. More likely one or more of the COP's has gone bad. What are the symptoms?
underneath the engine
The transmission fill plug on a 2000 Suzuki Alto is behind the drain plug. Both the plugs are located underneath the transmission.
The big pan underneath with the oil drain plug in it
Underneath car between oilpan and skid plate
there is usally 3 o2 sensors 1 on the front of your motor looks like a spark plug sticking out and one on your exsaust and another one somewhere else look on google
There are 3. Bank 1 sensor 1 is between the radiator and engine when you open the hood. It looks like a spark plug screwed into the header coming out of the engine, going down, and feeding into the exhaust. Bank 2 sensor 1 is between the firewall and the engine (back side of engine). It also looks like a spark plug screwed into the header coming out of the engine, going down, and feeding into the exhaust. Hard to see unless you get under the car. The 3rd sensor is on the top side of the exhaust pipe just after the catalytic converter. The connection for this one is underneath the carpet under the driver seat. EDIT: I have a 1996 Lexus ES300. Unless is more than one engine, then bank 1 is the BACK of the engine, between the engine and the firewall. I checked with two Lexus service centers and also looked at the spark plug wires. The number one cylinder is on the back, not the front of the engine.