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Q: Where is the hood latch inside car?
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How do you open the hood in a 2001 Pontiac Grand Am?

Opening the hood on a 2001 Pontiac Grand Am is very easy to do. The hood is opened by pulling on the hood release latch inside the car on the drivers side. After the latch is pulled the hood will release. The hood is then opened by pulling the second release under the hood.

How do you repair a hood latch on a 1989 Olds 98?

Often with wear and time, the big spring in the front of the hood will get too compressed to force the hood open when the latch is pulled inside the car. Expand the hood spring by pulling on it or take it off and expand it.

How do you open the hood on a 1988 Lincoln Town Car when the hood release latch inside the car does not seem to be working?

Have someone pull the hood release lever at the same time open the hood using a flat tip screwdriver

Your 1995 Buick Lesabre hood seized in Minnesota cold opens inside heated garage?

Pull hood latch and then go to front of car and hit front center of hood with fist. If this does not work you can drive car nto a curb while holding hood latch in open position, this should make hood pop open.

How do you open the hood on a 1995 Cutlass Supreme if the hood release wire is not working from within the car and you can see the hood latch under the hood but you can't get the hood up when you try?

This is what I have had to do for my 94 cutlass supreme. Hold the hood release wire lever open from inside the car with a something - a screwdriver or some such thing. Then just pull up on the hood and voila, it releases the latch.

How open hood for mr2 spyder?

Classic problem with Spyder. The latch cable has problems releasing the engine latch. Pull hood release inside car then go arround to back and push down on hood. It should pop the latch. Try several times if that doesnt work the first time.

How do you open broken hood latch Chrysler Cirrus LXI?

I found this solution on the web somewhere and it worked. Have another person pull the latch release inside the car while you press down on the hood itself. It got my hood open. Good luck with this.

How do you pop the hood in an 89 Chevy celebrity?

To "pop the hood" first pull the hood release inside the car. It is on the drivers side next to the door and below the dash. Then outside the car release the hood safely latch, and raise the hood. Then put the hood prop up.

Where is the hood latch on 2013 Ford Escape?

The hood latch on a 2013 Ford Escape is located in the front of the vehicle under the hood towards the left. Before the hood will open, you will also need to release the hood latch inside your vehicle.

How do you repair the hood latch for the 1991 Mercedes 190E 2.6 the handle in the car that opens the hood does not work it does not pop the hood?

The hood is openned by a cable that links the handle in the car the hood latch. If the cable is broken or detached then the hood will not open. The cable has two parts, an outer covering and the actual cable that pulls on the hood latch when the inside handle is pulled, you need to check the inside handle to see if the cable is still attached to the handle, also you need to check the hood latch to see if that end is still attached to the hood latch. If either is disconnected the you will need to get appropriate hardware(nuts,bolts etc) to attach it back but if the cable is broken it has to be replaced complete. This you might or might not be able to do depending on you skill and proficiency with tools.

How do you open the hood of a 1998 ford explorer if the latch inside the vehicle is released but the hood latch won't release?

crowbar dude...

Where is the fuse's on a 1989 Lincoln mark 7?

Inside the car by the hood prop latch...The haynes manual says there is a fuse block under the hood but I cant find it...