The resistor is bolted into the evaporator case near the blower motor. It is accessed under the passenger side dashboard. The trim/carpet along the transmission needs to be removed. You can then unplug the connector and remove/replace the resistor.
Remove the glove box and its behind that
It is located under the passenger side dash. Right next to the center column
mine was at the garage yesterday, and they took out the carpet around the passenger footwell, behind the controls for access.
I have a Saab 9-5 and its blower motor is located in the front of the windshield underneath the wipers
The resistor pack is located behind the glove compartment within the cabin of the Saab. (older Saabs may have had the resistors in the engine compartment behind the false firewall.) Access involves removing the glove compartment, and then the kick panel under below the blower. There are two types of resistor appears to be for Saabs with the ACC, automatic climate control, and that pack is screwed to the bottom of the blower motor. The other resistor pack appears to be for Saabs with manual heat/cooling controls ... ( non-ACC system) and it has a number of "fingers" (cooling fins), and is located somewhat behind the cabin blower motor. Held in with a clip, it comes down after removing the electrical connections (three).
It is located on the fan shroud. Look on the side by the battery, go to the fan shroud and look for a small brass cylander. That's it. It should have two or three wires coming out of it. Two wires go to the fan and the single one goes to the switch. This controls your fan speed(two speeds for Saab). Not aware of any after market sellers so you need to go to SAAB dealer for it.
how do i replace the front strut on 1999 Saab 9-3
From SAAB., Your nearest dealer can get a key to match your barrel.
how do you replace an alternator on an 1999 Saab 9-3
Head gasket repair for a 1999 Saab 9-5 3.0l.
Take it to a mechanic.