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The Chevy starter does not have a ground wire, the starter grounds through the starter casing.

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Q: Where is the ground wire for a Chevy 305 starter?
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You can hook up the starter, on your 1984 Chevrolet, by attaching the ground cable and the hot cable to the appropriate posts on the starter. Bolt the starter into place.

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startet has nothing to do with it, but just put the crank on TDC and line up the distributor to #1

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distributor wire to the distributor red and brown to the starter alternator hook up is the same on the v 6 and the 305 all located on left side of wiring harness coming out the fire wall and you will have to have a vacum advane distributor to bypass computer

Where is your knock sensor and connecter at on a 1988 Chevy pick up truck with a 305 motor?

It is screwed into the passenger side of the engine block just in front of the starter. It will have an electric wire pluged into it.

What cause your 305 Chevy engine not to start or crank?

Could be a bad battery or starter.

How do you change a starter for a 305 Chevy engine?

Disconnect the - battery cable Raise and support vehicle Disconnect wiring at top of starter Remove starter mounting bolts Remove starter

How many wires are connected to the knock sensor in a 82 Chevy k10 305?

1 wire.

What does stater look like on 305 Chevy pickup 86 coustom delux?

Just follow the positive battery wire to the strarter solenoid post. The starter is attached to that solenoid at the back side of the engine Close to the tranmission.

What starter need for a 1982 305 Chevy truck silverado have tried the starter recommended by the auto parts store and the flywheel is not lining up. not even when shemmed?

try a Chevy vega starter I had the same problem with a 82 Chevy 350 starter just have the one you took out rebuilt that way you know it will fit

On the distributor cap on a 1978 Chevy Impala engine 305 wear do the wire that say bat goes to does it go to the starter or wear?

hope this helpsprobally so.the battery will have there wires to a ground on the engine (black) and the hot to the starter(red).the other wires go to the selinoid which lead to the alternator and engine harness.plug your wire into the battery side of the distributor cap(right side)the other side is for tach it should be labeld on top of the cap if yours is a double hook up one.if not plug your wire in it will go to the battery through the harness.