That depends on the model/make of lawnmower, but it will always be on top.
You can use a standardbusiness card for the gap.
The correct gap for the spark plug of a Briggs and Stratton 6.75 Lawnmower engine 0.030. Most new plugs come with that gap, but it is best to check to make sure.
if its regular gas
no get new gas
Tecumseh provides dealers with a 0.012" air gap guage, but 0.010 - 0.014" will do.
panic !
Not really sure what you're getting at. If your lawnmower engine is a 2-stroke then you need a mixture of oil and gas to run it.
it depends... if you have a drive mower than you should have a hose that runs from your gas tank into a fuel filterer you unclip it the gas will leak out you can probly find it if you locate the gas tank just look for a tube,and if its a push lawnmower you should do the same,or you can tip the lawnmower over with the gas lid off,and let the gas drain out into a pan or so.
Just gas. MOGAS, 87 Octane. There is reason they call it lawnmower gas. Intek OHV is just another lawnmower engine.
The correct plug gap for my Toro GTS 6.5 horse mower is 0.035