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Most models it is on the right of the drivers seat - on the VE there isn't one, you press on the cap and it opens (only when car is unlocked).

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Tony Larosa

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3y ago

Still wont open pressing on the

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Q: Where is the gas cap release on a Holden commodore?
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Why do some cars have the gas cap on right side of car?

Just to be diffrent, like the Ford Falcon and Holden Commodore

Where is gas cap release on a 2011 Chevy Malibu?

Push in gas cap door it will release

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You just push on the gas cap door. There is no remote release.

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It is in the trunk... on the right side you should see a green circle behind the gas cap... pull it out it will release the gas cap..

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The most recent figures available are for the 2012 Holden Commodore Berlina. Users report an average combined gas mileage of 8.9 litres per 100 km, which translates to 31.7 miles per gallon.

Where is the gas cap release on a 2010 Ford Taurus?

Push the gas cap door in and it will pop open.

Where is gas cap release?

The gas cap release in the s2000 is on the right side of the door opening about 10 inches from the bottom. It's a little knob that you pull on.

Where is the gas cap release on Mitsubishi diamante?

The gas cap release for a Mitsubishi Diamante is located in the trunk, on the left side. There is a cable with a handle on it running down from the top left of the trunk, and you'll need to pull it to manually release the gas cap.

Where is the release button for the gas cap on a BMW 325I series?

Unlocking the car doors normally unlocks the cover for the gas cap.

Where is the gas cap release on 2010 galant?

The answer is, there is no gas cap release lever, simply push the left side of the gas cap cover and it opens on the right. (took me about 10 frustrating minutes to finally figure this out, so low tech for auch a nice car!)

What can it mean when there is black soot around the gas cap and sprayoff onto the car above gas cap?

Try changing the gas tank cap, if it does not help you might have to replace the charcoal canister because it does not release gas fume pressure.

On the Mazda 6 were is the Gas Cap release button?

try pushing gently on the top corner of the gas cap door towards the front of the car