Disarm the alarm before removing the battery.
Unlock passenger side
My vauxhall zafira's alarm keeps going off at 3.30 - 4am every morning. we have a key to dis arm the alarm but can not find where to put it to turn it off. and why is it going off.
taking out he fuse disables the whole system..your alarm will no longer work
Try unlocking the tailgate with the key first. This should disarm the alarm.
easy! disconnect the battery for 15-20 mins *. Darren Nunez * this does not 'disarm' the alarm, to do this, remove the service fuse #12. be warned that you will loose the computer and the aircon/heater if you do this but it stops the alarm going off! - nbc
My 1999 Passat has 225000 miles and still going strong
I was just talking to my VW mechanic and he tells me he can disarm my alarm by fusing a connection which is located in the area behind my headlight switch. Tight spot if you have ever been under the dash of your VW. He is going to do it this Saturday. Will give you an update when the job is done.......
my alarm keeps going of and wont start.
Alarm keeps going off in the middle of the night even though I don't turn the car on. I have purchased a new battery last year, not the problem. It is so annoying. I do not need to use the alarm, can it be disabled. My neighbors are probably angry.
snip the wire going to the alarm.
My battery went dead. I am trying to jump start the 97 landcrusier and the alarm is going off. I did not set the alarm The car sat in the garage for two weeks and battery is dead. Alarm is set and I need to get it of to start the car via cables. help George We have a 96 Land Cruiser. The battery went dead and we dealt with the same problem when trying to recharge the battery. We discovered a toggle switch on the drivers side under the dash below the hood latch and gas levers. Flip that switch and you should be good to go. Apparently it resets the alarm.