Trying to remember the last one I had... fill plug should be on the left (driver's) side, about halfway up the case. The drain plug is on the very bottom of the pan.
where do yuo drain and fill transmission fluid in a 2004 cadillac srx
The drain fill on a 1997 Dodge Avenger manual transmission is on the bottom of the transmission. It is located up from the drain plug.
Remove the Ford Ranger automatic transmission drain plug. The drain plug is in the bottom of the transmission. Allow the oil to drain out and replace the plug. Fill the transmission with new transmission fluid.
Should be a drain plug at bottom of transmission Should be a fill plug at side of transmission - fill to this level
The drain plug on an 89 Toyota Camry 4WD is on the bottom of the transmission. The fill plug is located approximately six inches to the rear of the drain plug.
The automatic transmission does not have a drain plug. You have to remove the pan to drain.On the manual transmission, you remove the bottom center bolt in the side cover to drain. Just make sure you have the proper tool (3/8 Allen wrench) to remove the fill plug so you can fill it back up.The automatic transmission does not have a drain plug. You have to remove the pan to drain.On the manual transmission, you remove the bottom center bolt in the side cover to drain. Just make sure you have the proper tool (3/8 Allen wrench) to remove the fill plug so you can fill it back up.
The transmission fill plug on a 02 Rodeo 4wd is on the bottom of the transmission. It is located to the rear of the drain plug.
There is a drain plug on the bottom of the transmission. To fill it, there is a plug toward the top of the transmission case where U have to pump the new fluid in till it starts to drain out.. There is no fill or trans. dipstick in top.
There is no transmission dipstick, there are only fill and drain bolts located on the transmission assembly.
Depending on the transmission installed-- Some have a drain plug - no filter just drain and re-fill Some don't have drain plug -- drop pan clean replace filter and gasket and re-fill
The transmission fill plug on a 2000 Suzuki Alto is behind the drain plug. Both the plugs are located underneath the transmission.