check the and white usually control the heat..yellow is ac and green is fan
The evaporator drain allows condensation from the ac unit to drain. When the drain clogs up water will go into the passenger floor instead.
If the drain line from the ac unit is tied into the sink drain line, the trap leaving the ac unit has probably run dry. Fill the trap at the ac unit with a cup of water and it should stop the noise. Assuming a proper install, kinda hard guessing about it from here without seeing it.
Phill Rudd
Phil Rudd
37000 btu
Water will condense in the inside unit of the air conditioner. This is because the coils in the unit get cold (ad expected) and moisture in the air condenses on them like moisture on a cold glass. There should be a drain inside the unit to drain this water. Check that it isn't clogged.
originally Phil Rudd....he was replaced in 1990 by Chris Slade (from The Firm).
Nope, he's alive and rockin'!
This can be the same for vehicles and home a/c systems, and it means that the drain is clear and free of any debris........ Its normal for this to work this way...
Where is ac drain on 95 dodge ram
Phil Rudd is the drummer for AC/DC. He was born in Melbourne, Australia, and started drumming for the band in 1975.