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The clutch of a car is located on the left foot side of the bar. The brake is in the middle and the accelerator is on the right.

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Q: Where is the clutch of a car located?
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this car does not have a fan clutch they are electric fans

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under the car ... near the clutch housing .... you cant miss it

What is the pump clutch in a car?

Never heard of one. Unless it is located next to the henway.

Where is the clutch converter on a Buick lesabre?

The torque converter is located between the engine and transmission. The clutch packs are inside the transmission. This car has no mechanical clutch as it is an automatic. There is also a clutch mounted on the front of the A/C compressor.

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There is no clutch fluid reservoir on a 1997 Probe. On this car, it is the same as the brake fluid reservoir.

Where is the 1995 accord clutch pedal switch?

A 1995 Honda Accord clutch pedal switch is located directly under the clutch pedal. This switch stops the car from starting with depressing the clutch. This helps avoid accidents.

Where does the clutch located on the 88 Chevy Caprice?

The clutch pedal is the one left of the brake pedal. The clutch disk the pedal affects is inside the transmission bell housing where the engine block bolts to the transmission. Unless you have an automatic, then your car has no clutch.

i need chage the clutch of my car?

i need chage the clutch of my car

How do you engage the clutch on a car?

The clutch pedal.

Where is the starter located on a 1987 Porsche 944 turbo?

Near the clutch housing, (under the car at the back of the engine).

Where is the thermostat located on land rover discovery td5?

It is located at the bottom hose near the fan clutch on the right side if you facing the bonnet of the car

Where is the safety neutral switch located on a 1997 jetta gls?

The neutral safety switch on any standard transmission is located behind the clutch pedal arm, and activated when the clutch pedal is fully depressed. the neutral safety switch is located behind the clutch pedal arm in any standard tranny car that has one, it is activated by fully depressing the clutch.