This world-famous car is now on display at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
For the Kennedy White House, the Secret Service purchased a convertible parade limousine custom built by Hess & Eisenhart of Cincinnati, Ohio from a 1961 Lincoln four-door convertible. Code named the SS-100-X, it was in this car that JFK was assassinated in 1963. By that time, the front of the car had been updated with the grille/headlight/bumper assembly from the 1962 model. After the assassination, the limousine was returned to Hess & Eisenhart, where it was repaired and retrofitted with full armor and a fixed roof. It subsequently continued in service for the White House for many years.
This world-famous car is now on display at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
For the Kennedy White House, the Secret Service purchased a convertible parade limousine custom built by Hess & Eisenhart of Cincinnati, Ohio from a 1961 Lincoln four-door convertible. Code named the SS-100-X, it was in this car that JFK was assassinated in 1963. By that time, the front of the car had been updated with the grille/headlight/bumper assembly from the 1962 model. After the assassination, the limousine was returned to Hess & Eisenhart, where it was repaired and retrofitted with full armor and a fixed roof. It subsequently continued in service for the White House for many years.
JFK was shot in a Lincoln convertible, manufactured by Ford Motor Co.
JFK wasn't shot, he died in a plane crash.
Secret Serivce agent William (Bill) Greer.
He was shot in the head & neck.
He was shot from behnd
No, he was not.
He was shot!
Lady Bird Johnson, her husband (LBJ) and also the governor of Texas were in the different car with JFK and Jackie. Their car was behind the limo where JFK and Jackie seated. According to the interview with Lady Bird Johnson, the assassination of JFK was happened so suddenly. She had heard the first shot and followed by second and third shot. Everyone was panic and try to find shelter and ducking. The JFK limo ran to find the nearest hospital. She met Jackie in hospital. But the president could not be helped JFK had died.
Texas governor John Connolly was in the seat just forward of the President at the time of the assassination.
he got shot
Lee Harvey Oswald