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SHould be in int fuse box, not sure about no but if not labelled easy to check them all

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Q: Where is the brake light fuse in my 2004 mustang?
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Is there a fuse for a third brake light on a 2004 Honda?

Yes, it is the same fuse used for the rear brake lights.

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Below and to the left of the steering wheel by the brake pedal ( it has a cover on it ) Fuse ( # 1 ) is a 20 amp fuse for the cigarette lighter

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The 1997 Pontiac brake light fuse is located in the fuse box. The brake light fuse will be labeled as the tail light fuse.

What happend to your dome light and radio it stopped working in your 94 mustang?

Blown fuse. Your brake lights don't work either.

Why is the brake light in 2004 Toyota Highlander not working?

a. is the power on? b. have you put your foot on the brake ? c. has the bulb/fuse gone?

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the third brake light is direct from brake light switch no fuse

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ebtezek kis emak ya manyok

If the fuse is good and the bulbs are good what else can be wrong with the brake lights not working on a 2004 Passat?

It could be the brake light switch, usually mounted on the brake pedal.