The VIN Number for a 1955 Studebaker President is located on the plate on the left front door lock post
The last vehicle I know of call President was the Studebaker President. The name was used from 1927 to 1942. The nameplate was reintroduced in 1955 and used until the end of the 1958 model when the name was retired. There may be others I am not aware of.
6 volt starter made for the vehicle. Click the link.
The vice president in 1955 was Richard Nixon.
In 1955 Buick used a body tag and serial number method to record information about its vehicles. The body tag is located on the cowl upper panel, immediately in front of the right windshield wiper transmission. The serial number is on a plate located on the left front door hinge pillar.
The Alcoa Hour - 1955 The President - 1.16 was released on: USA: 13 May 1956
he started in 1955
No US President died during the decade of the 1950's.
Thomas Curran - university president - was born in 1955.
No one. It wasn't an election year.
Marshall, Texas
Matinee Theatre - 1955 The President's Child Bride 2-214 was released on: USA: 22 August 1957
1955 1955