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united states had the most street racin,but us street racing is not better than Japan

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Q: Where is street racing most popular?
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What is the most popular street racing book that provides an in-depth look into the underground world of illegal racing?

The most popular street racing book that provides an in-depth look into the underground world of illegal racing is "The Fast and the Furious: The Official Car Guide."

Is there a MySpace street racing app?

MySpace used to be the most popular social networking site. There is no such thing as a MySpace street racing app.

What is the definition for street racing?

Street racing: The act of racing two or more automobiles (or motorcycles)on a public street. In most cases illegally and without authorization.

How did street racing start?

Street racing has been around since the 50's,The late great James Dean made it popular in one of his movies.

What cars are used most in illegal street racing?

The type of car most commonly used in illegal street racing is the camaro or hot rod

Where are the Nissan skyline gtr banned?

Because there are popular in the street racing scene...

Is Racing The Most Popular Sport?

Yes. Either racing or soccer.

Is car racing popular?

Car racing is very popular. It is one of the world's most watched television sports.

Is auto racing the most popular sport?

The most popular racing sport in the world at this time is auto racing. Auto racing has so many different categories that it easily makes it the largest. Just to name a few of those categories you are looking at NASCAR, Indy Car and Drag racing.

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When did street racing start.?

Street racing started in 1964

What is the most popular kind of horse racing?

black I'd say the Arabian, Mustang, Appoloosa, Quarter Horse, and maybe Thourogbred. To tell the truth, those are the horses I hear the most about and see the most, so, yeah.