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There isn't a separate fuse for the left turn signal from the right. Chances are, it's your switch which is bad.

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Q: Where is left turn fuse located in kenworth truck?
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Depends on year and model. Normally, there's a fuse and relay box behind the kick panel on the driver's side. On more current production models, the fuse panel for the chassis nodes and such will be under the hood on the left side of the vehicle. On the T680, there's an additional fuse panel for the sleeper components, and that can be located through the left side sidebox.

Where is the fuse box in Kenworth truck?

Depends on year and model. Normally, there's a fuse and relay box behind the kick panel on the driver's side. On more current production models, the fuse panel for the chassis nodes and such will be under the hood on the left side of the vehicle. On the T680, there's an additional fuse panel for the sleeper components, and that can be located through the left side sidebox.

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It is on the left side of the dash. It is located just under the dash.

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By the fuse panel and also by the battery (The fuse panel would be by the drvier's steering column to the left i believe)

Where do you put fuses in 2013 kenworth t660?

Left side of the truck, under the hood, against the firewall is where you'll find fuses primarily for the chassis nodes. Behind the clutch pedal is the primary fuse panel, both for the cab and sleeper.

Where is the fuse box for a 1989 Toyota 4runner?

There is a fuse box located to the left of the clutch pedal on the wall of the truck tucked directly under the dash. You need to be a contortionist to get at the fuses though.

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In the fuse box located on the left side of dash. The drivers door must be open to gain access.

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fuse is located in fuse panel at lower left of steering wheel