Used Vending has an assortment of used concession trailers one could purchase. One can search within their results to find various trailers and carts to suit ones needs. Amusement Trader has many listed for sale as well.
Several guides for the purchase of a used concession trailer are available online. In short, yes, there is a market! There is a helpful eBay guide entitled "How to Choose a Used Concession Trailer".
You can purchase used concession trailer over the internet at Another good website is A great place to look for a used concession trailer is If you can't find one locally, search other areas and ask if they will deliver. There are also many used concession trailers on Ebay, some with delivery options.
You should inspect the electrical and lights of the trailer. These are both important features.
If this is your first concession truck you may want to purchase a used truck. According to concession trailer bay online a new truck could cost you over ten thousand dollars. If you can purchase a used one you can then focus on purchasing better product to sell. When your business is booming you may then be in a financial postion to purchase new.
For the average 12 ft x 7ft trailer it should cost you about $4000 - $5000 dollars. After researching on the internet, that is the average price of a concession trailer.
You can find affordable concession trailer anywhere. Just try going to target or walmart. They may have smaller ones you can get for cheap for snacks to sell.
A concession trailer should be a pretty familiar site if you live near a fairground or circus. They are basically food trucks, used to sell products such as ice cream, cotton candy, popcorn, funnel cakes, or any circus or fair food.
There are several companies that sell used concessions trailers. Some used equipment stores also sell used concession trailers. Recently I have found several used concession trailers for sale on either or These sources are likely your best bet as it is difficult to find dealers of used concession trailers online.
You can check you local newspaper to see if anyone is sealing or even giving away a used concession trailers. Search Craigslist for used concession trailers there are tons of sites that sale used goods.
You can buy a food trailer in Texas at Festivals and Shows. This is there website:
form_title= Used Trailers form_header= Purchase a used trailer easily. What size trailer do you need?*= _ [50] Have you ever driven a trailer before?*= () Yes () No Do you want an enclosed trailer?*= () Yes () No
form_title= Used Enclosed Trailers form_header= Purchase a used enclosed trailer. What is your budget for a trailer?*= _ [50] Will you pick up the trailer? Do you want to add your logo to the trailer?*= () Yes () No