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There are 2 options here.

1). To the towing company yard,

2). To the police impound, if the car need to be held as evidence.

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Q: Where does your car get towed if you have an accident?
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towed and toedTowed, ToedAfter the accident, the car was towed away.

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His car had to be towed to a repair shop after the accident.

What is a homonym for toad?

His car had to be towed to a repair shop after the accident.

Where do car insurance companies store their impounded cars?

This may vary by state, however, in general if a car is towed from an accident scene the tow company keeps the car.

Is axa car insurance able to cover towing?

If your car needs to be towed due to an accident you were in then yes they will cover the towing. However, if you break down they will not cover the towing.

Car was totaled in an accident and towed to a lot. The lot sent the car to be salvaged and had it crushed without notifying owner. Can they do that?

if the car had a lean on it the lean holder proble told them to an they don't have to tell u

Can a CA car with MD sticker be towed?

Any car can be towed regardless of stickers

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If someone without a valid drivers license and without car insurance drives a car that is covered by car insurance, does that insurance pay for that uninsured driver if they have a accident?

How do you find where a car is after the title has been signed over to a towing company due to a total loss because of an accident?

Ask the towing company who towed it

Can I have someone's car towed without their permission?

No, you cannot have someone's car towed without their permission.

Where did your car get towed too off fwy?

Call the state police, they had it towed and can tell you where it was towed to.

How can I arrange for a car to be towed from my driveway?

To arrange for a car to be towed from your driveway, you can contact a towing company and provide them with the location of your driveway and details about the car to be towed. They will then schedule a time to come and remove the car from your property.