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The sun. Oil is the product of decayed matter. The matter was originally plant and animal life which was supported by the sun's radiation.

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Q: Where does the energy in petrol originally come from?
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Does geothermal energy originally come from the sun?

No it doesn't because geothermal energy originally comes from the ground!

How much energy is stored in petrol?

13J energy is stored in petrol,

Where does hydroelectric energy come from?

it comes from the sea or rivers originally.

Which type of energy is stored in petrol?

Chemical potential energy is stored in petrol. When petrol is burnt, this chemical energy is converted into heat, light, and mechanical energy to power vehicles.

Where does hydroelectric power energy come from?

it comes from the sea or rivers originally.

Where does the energy glucose come from originally?

It originally came from the sun and was stored in chemical bonds by plants during photosynthesis.

Where does the energy in the glucose originally come from?

It originally came from the sun and was stored in chemical bonds by plants during photosynthesis.

Is a petrol a potential energy?

No, petrol is a form of stored chemical energy. When burned, it releases heat energy which can be used to perform work.

What energy is in petrol?

chemical energy and its converted to kinetic energy

What can you compare petrol prices to for your maths coursework?

When doing a comparison to petrol for math coursework you could compare the cost of petrol energy to the cost of electrical energy. For instance, camparing operating cost of a vehicle that runs on petrol verses a vehicle that runs on electric energy.

A petrol chainsaw converts what source of energy?

A petrol chainsaw converts chemical energy stored in gasoline into mechanical energy through combustion.

The approximation energy content of a liter of petrol?

Standard petrol has an energy content of approx. 9.67kWh/liter (34.8MJ/liter)