Just about all GM Quadrajet equipped cars have the brake booster mounting at the rear of the carb on the base plate. Should be a threaded fitting.
you need manifold vacuum for the brake booster.. (intake manifold)
check the brake booster vacumme hose,its the hose than runs from the intake to the brake booster. if its leaking air the car stall when you hit the brakes or has no power
the brake vacuum booster connects to the intake manifold all by itself and the PCV valve hose should hook directly to your carburetor.
Vacuum brake booster is defective or the hose going to the booster is leaking.
The cause of hard brake pedal is malfunctioning brake booster. Check the hose from the intake manifold going to the brake booster for cracks or leakage, replace if necessary. Check the one way valve located in the middle of that hose, make sure the valve opens when you put pressure on one port.. If all those mentioned are ok, the booster itself needs to be replaced....
I would say a power brake booster or a brake booster would be the same.
the line is connected to the carburettor if you have one or to the intake manifold after the throttle valve. The purpose is to connect intake vacuum to the booster.
You have to remove the Master Cylinder, disconnect the rod that is connected to the brake pedal and remove the bolts holding the Power Booster on. Connect in reverse order.
How much should it cost for a car dealer to connect brake hose
It could be a leaking vacuum hose to the power brake booster or the membrane in the booster could have a hole. When the brakes are applied, the booster is opened to the engine vacuum via the hose. The vacuum leak would then increase, causing the engine to stall.
If your vehicle has a vacuum brake booster the brake fluid may be entering the vacuum booster with no visibly spots on ground. To check remove rubber hose usually about 3/8"-5/8" in diameter depending on model of vehicle, look inside of hose to see if it is wet, if so the Master Cylinder needs to be replaced.