All lawn mowers are different so I cant give you a specific answer as to where to put the gas in. But all lawn mowers come with an owners manual so i highly suggest you refer to that because you may also need a specific type of gas
A gas lawn mower is a lawn mower which is powered by gasoline.
drain it
form_title= Manual Lawn Mower form_header= Keep it simple with a manual lawn mower. What is the square footage of your lawn?*= _ [50] Do you want the mower to be gas or electric?*= () Gas () Electric Have you ever owned a manual mower before?*= () Yes () No
One reason why your Murray lawn mower may fade in and out when it's running could be the gas. It the gas was leftover from the year before, you may have to empty it and put fresh gas in.
form_title=Lawn Mower Parts form_header=Make sure you have the best lawn mower parts with our help! What brand of lawn mower do you have?*= _ [50] Do you own a push or riding lawn mower?*= () Push () Riding Is your lawn mower electric or gas powered?*= () Electric () Gas If you know what part you specifically need, please list it*= _ [50]
This question makes no sense, gas is gas, regardless of where it comes from.
Is this even a real question? Seriously, man. What does your mower run on? Hopes and dreams?
Can I buy a replacement gas cap riding lawn mower
Usually lack of oil or somebody put something in the gas.
Drain the gas out.For more information please see the answer to the Related Question shown below.
you could try putting a cup of sugar crystals into the gas tank.......
form_title= Push Lawn Mower form_header= Keep it simple and mow your lawn with a push mower. What is the square footage of your lawn?*= _ [50] Do you want the mower to be gas or electric?*= () Gas () Electric Have you ever owned a push mower before?*= () Yes () No