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Ummm? Off road.

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Q: Where can you ride a quad bike off road?
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Where can you ride a quad bike off road in the UK Excluding private land could you ride a quad on the beach?

no you are not allowed on the beach with a quad or motorcycle even if they are insured, but google for off road tracks near you where you can pay to ride your vehicle

Do you need a bike license to drive a quad bike?

Well, you don't need a license period to ride a quad off road. Quads are not street legal, and unless you're on public roads, you can drive whatever you want, wherever you want (at that point though, trespassing etc. becomes a concern.)

What licence to drive off road quad bike?

As long as you own the land, then you can be any age to use the quad bike. Hoverer if it is in public grounds (eg: forest) then the usual road code applies (not 100% sure though)

Can you ride a 250cc quad bike off road in the UK if you are under 16?

You may ride or drive any vehicle on private land provided:You have the land owner's permission, andthe general public do not have access to the land you are driving/riding on.

Do you need a bike license to ride a dirt bike off road?

only for trail and street use plz recommend me!!!!

What driving license to use to ride ATV or quad in UK?

no licence is required for off-road use. A quad can be driven on UK roads with a car licence.

How old to ride a 125cc bike?

Off road, as soon as you can reach the pedals. On road, as soon as you get your motorcycle license.

What is the legal age to drive a dirt bike?

I think it is 16 that is what i think GOOD LUCK MY BROTHERS PEACE YAMAHA WARRIORS ROCK MY SOCKS As I know it, You can be any age to ride a dirt bike * not street legal* ( and only in the "dirt" or pre-approved areas) You don't have to have a licence to ride a dirt bike. Hope this helps.

Do you need a bike license to ride a dirt bike off road on public trails in NH?

im pretty sure you do

What is the PS2 MX game where you can jump your dirt bike onto moving train?

I Remember in ATV: Off road fury 2 there was a moving train that you could hit with a quad but i don't think you can ride mx's in that game

Can you ride a pocket bike in Oregon?

You cannot ride a pocket bike in the state of Oregon on roads and highways. They should only be used for off-road purposes. If you do ride a pocket bike on roads, you may be subject to a fine.

Can you ride a dirt bike in Arizona on a sidewalk?

Not legally. Dirt bikes are made for off road use.