Go to your local Auto Zone, Advance Auto Parts, etc. and have them look at the moog or TRW chassis book. A sketch of the front end is listed for every vehicle.
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When making changes to any part of a car, a diagram will help the person know what to do. A diagram for a 1995 Ford F150 front suspension can be found in the maintenance manual of the car.
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A wiring diagram will make sure that everything is connected correctly. The wiring diagram for a 1992 Buick Skylark can be found in either of its manuals.
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the diagram is in the left corner closest to the passenger seat
One, *free* online source of auto repair manuals, including diagrams and photos is Autozone.com's Repair Guide.See "Related Questions" below for more about Windstar front suspension...
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If you are looking for a diagram, an image search can help you out. Make sure to do a quick search to find what you are looking for.
Go to an auto repair shop, and ask them if you can look at their Chiltons, or Motors labor guide. They both have full exploded views of the suspension. lonjames1 at hotmail dot com
When in doubt, call a GM dealer's service department.
Autozone.com has an illustrated repair guide for the 1995-1998 Windstar on-line! See link below under "Related Links"