Call your fire department or local government. ISO (Insurance Services Office) handles inspection and rating of fire department but it is often easier to get the information from the fire department or local government. Note that your rating may be a combination of two number such as 6/9. This means that if you are within 5 files of a fire department AND 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant then the protection class is 6 but if BOTH of these don't apply then your protection class is a 9.
Protection class codes in Washington are determined by the Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau.
Whats the Protection Class for Blissfield Michigan ?
I need a list of Protection Classes for Georgia.
There can be different fire protection class codes in the same county. The best way to find it is to search a complete address. There can be different fire protection class codes in the same county. The best way to find it is to search a complete address.
The best place to find out what your protection class is for your home would be to contact the fire chief in your area and he or she can tell you your true protection class.
The insurance service organization (ISO) provides a list of fire codes. The protection class codes for Arizona can be found in the insurance service organization handbook.
what is the fire protection code for st hedwig texas
The best place to determine the ISO Protection Class is with your local fire department.
A list of all protection classes in Florida is probably not going to be available, at least not for free. You can however find out the protection class for your home or an area by contacting the responding fire department.
Call the fire department. They set the protection class for all properties within their district.
I believe the list can be seen on the Oklahoma gov's website
What is protection class code for Sparta, NJ