Auto auctions information can be gathered at online web sites and by word of mouth. These cars have no guarantees or warranties. They may be damaged or missing parts.
I have a Government auction review site you should check out to help answer your questions.
You become a licensed car dealer in the state of your choice.
How do I get an auto auction licence? So I can buy cars at an auction.
There are many places to find and purchase a used car for a reasonable price. An auto auction is a good place to buy a used car if you are knowledgeable about cars. Auto auctions can be found in the local yellow pages.
At an auto insurance auction you can buy cars at cheaper prices. Some of these cars have been recovered from theft, used as rental cars, or even donated to the auction.
There are many online shops that provide car auction. in LA is one of online shop that provides car auction for any kind of auto cars. You can visit
To attend a dealer only auction you have be registered, with the auction, under a licenced dealer. If you're not it is a little difficult to get through the door and imposable to bid on and purchase a car.
I would not recommend using a car auction to buy a used car unless you want to work on it yourself. Your best bet is to buy on your own or through a local dealer.
Yes, usually at an auction.
Specifically, you will need a copy of your drive away slip to get out with the car.
Buying a car from an auction is a great idea. The best car auctions are in Bridgeport Ct.: Crazy Auto Auctions, Joe's Auctions, and New Car Auctions.
According to the auto auctioneer, car shoppers should avoid auto auctions as the average car auction price is much higher than it should be as auctioneers represent the sellers and are paid to sell.