Onstar is available for purchase both online and at your local retailers, such as Best Buy or Crutchfield. Onstar is also available at local car dealerships.
No, OnStar is a GM only product. OnStar is a factory-installed option and cannot be installed by a dealer or retailer, so you must do one of the following: 1) Purchase a GM vehicle with OnStar 2) Own a GM vehicle with OnStar
The OnStar Corporation provides a 24 hour service. The OnStar button is located inside your car and will connect you to someone who can help you with directions or in emergencies. Originally OnStar was only available for GM vehicles, but can now be put into any brand of car.
OnStar was created in 1995.
In order to disable OnStar unplug the cords that are connected to the OnStar box. The OnStar box is found in the inside panel of the trunk of the car.
Sorry, OnStar can be activated with a Verizon phone. The OnStar phone can be added to a family plan as a family phone.
There are very few places that onstar is not available, and a few places where onstar has limited availability. The few places that Onstar is limited or has no service is scattered throughout the US. Onstar is available in approximately 98% of the Us nationwide.
Why? Just do not subscribe to Onstar and it will not be functional. Yes. There are 4 "brains" installed in the car. Once those are out, onstar can no longer track your vehicle. I recomend having it done by someone that knows what they are doing, as it involves a lot of your car being torn apart & put back together.
Yes! Onstar is nice because if you are in a car accident they contact you and can call 911. It's a nice piece of mind knowing that should something happen there is alwasy someone there to help you out.
only GM vehicles are equiped with onstar.
Try calling from the OnStar panel.
If your alarm is connected to OnStar, police will be notified if someone steals your car.