There are a multitude of place online where you could find used boat values, depending on the type of boats you are looking for.One good site is "Value-it" where you can do a search to find the used value of millions of things, including boats.
You can most likely find a used boat trailer for sale on Craigslist, or from a dealership that sells boats. Another place to find some would be Boat Trader (online or the magazine).
Used boat engines are easy to find both online and through local dealers, individuals and parts suppliers. To find used engines for sale locally, the newspaper classified ads and Yellow Pages are good resources. There are many online outlets for used boat engines as well, such as Boat Trader, but the cost of shipping may erase any savings.
enter the make and model of your boat on the American boating association website, choose your country (doesn't have to be in America) and it gives you the value of your boat. You may then want to put this up on eBay and direct people to value it themselves before buying it.
You can find used tractor values online at the Iron Guides website. Once on the website, you can find Blue Book values on various types of farm equipment and tractors.
There are a variety of used boat sellers, with a multitude of websites offering listing-services for sellers, you will likely be able to find other sellers selling a similar type of boat and be able to determine values from it. Otherwise there are appraisal services to be found on the internet.
There are many places where you can find the value of used cars online. NADA guides dot com offers a comprehensive list of car values on their website.
You can find those at 17' v alum fishing boat in indiana is an excellent site for boat owners wanting to sell their old boat because you will be given step by step instructions on how to sell the boat.
where can I find a good used boat in the 4,000-12,000 price area
If you are looking to purchase a luxury sailboat online, there are several options. Boat Trader, Yacht World and Boat International all offer new and used luxury yachts for sale by dealers as well as private sellers.
One can find values or Mazda SUV prices online at Autos AOL, Mazda national websites, Motor Trend, Edumnds, Automotive and Lot Pro. Other good online sources are Car Sales, Auto Buy Guide and NP Mazda.
BLue book of gun values