One can find police scanners when one goes to a store called Scanner Master. This store carries police scanners made by Uniden and Bearcat. Price varies by brand and model.
One can find reviews of fast scanners by going to the Amazon website. The Amazon website has fast scanners for sale as well as reviews on how effective the products are.
One can find microfilm scanners at electronic stores such as Best Buy and Future Shop. One can also purchase microfilm scanners from online shopping sites such as Overstock and Ebay.
Specialty hobby and electronics stores such as Radio Shack carry police scanners. Additionally one can buy police scanners online from ScannerMaster and Walmart. There are a number of apps for smartphones that also act as police scanners and many local jurisdictions are now broadcasting their emergency channels over the internet as well.
You can find images of camera scanners on almost any site that sells camera scanners. Sites like amazon, tiger direct, and newegg will have images of camera scanners.
There are a number of places where one can find reviews for picture scanners. One may wish to visit review sites such as DooYoo which may provide reviews for picture scanners. Amazon also has a customer review section on the pages for specific picture scanners.
Canon scanners can be found online, in retail stores, and in office supply stores. Canon scanners range in price from around one-hundred dollars to almost one-thousand dollars.
There are various places that one can find unbiased reviews of scanners. For example, unbiased reviews, stress less paperless, choice and drum scanner.
This site has all frequencies in that area: Looks like you'll need a digital police scanner to listen though as the signal is encrypted. You can get one here:
One can find free network scanners on websites such as Acunetix, Advanced IP Scanner or Soft Perfect. It can also be found on Mac Update, N-Map or Download Cnet.
One can purchase Lego space police toys at a toy store or in the toy section of a supermarket. They would be located with other Lego products. One can also find them for sale online.
If you want to listen to police scanners for free, download free online scanner from the link below. This program is free, therefore you can't control the scanner but you can find one close to your area to listen to.
There are many places where one can find Virgina homes for sale. One can find Virgina homes for sale at popular on the web sources such as Zillow and Realtor.