There are a number of places to find old classic cars for sale. Firstly, check your local newspapers for any classified adverts or any car shows being advertised. Online you can try eBay, Gumtree and Autotrader are good places to look. Your local garage might also be able to help.
Some of the places to find old cars for sales are resources like Auto Trader Classic, Ebay and Craigslist. Another great way to find old cars for sale are to look in the classified section of the local newspaper. There you can find old cars for sale through private sellers.
To find a good sale on old cars you could try Ebay. You could also try looking for classic car shows they have many for sale at those. You could also look in the Autotrader book they have thousands of cars.
There are many websites that are designed to sell classic cars online. Just be careful as some may be a scam. Some that have good reviews are: great old cars dot com, fossil cars dot com and classic cars dot com.
The Old Motor website is a great place to find pictures of old cars. It is a automobile and racing magazine and they have lots of pictures of classic cars on their website.
You can list old cars for sale on various websites such as eBay, Craigslist, and Cars for free. You can also list old cars for not much money in your local newspaper.
Classic car insurance is for "classic" or older model cars, whereas basic car insurance is a minimum coverage insurance for normal cars. Classic cars are cars that are at least 20 years old but not more than 40 years old.
When looking to find a Mark one Cortina then it might be possible to find one on the internet. This car is considered an old car and some people are advertising it as a classic MK1 Cortina. There is one of these cars for sale on the eBay used car section.
I do not know what you mean by the term "ride cars'. You can find vintage Model Ts in auto trader and on ebay. There are some out there for sale. Click the link to see a list on Old Ride that are for sale.
Books that provide information on classic old cars include The Ultimate Classic Car Book by Ouentin Willson and Corvette Sixty Years by Randy Leffingwell.
There is many websites in world which have available any type of cheap old cars, One simple way is go to and type "cheap old cars for sale", you got many websites which have online buyers & sellers of this type of cars. :)
One can purchase antique cars on a variety of websites. Some examples of such websites include "Auto Trader Classics", "Fossil Cars", "Old Ride", "Classic Cars for Sale", and many more.