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The car insurance in which you are looking for is called 'no fault insurance'. It is regulated state by state and not all states require you to have such insurance, some states have only require one to have liability insurance.

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Q: Where can one find low cost car insurance that not only covers the one whom fault in the accident it is but the other person who is not at fault?
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Related questions

Are you still at fault if the other person does not have insurance?

Yes, If the accident was your fault, then it is your fault. Whether or not they have insurance has nothing to do with who's at fault, or who actually caused the accident.

What is liability insurance?

Vehicle liability insurance is insurance that only covers the other car. That means that if you get in a wreck, you are liable for what happens to your car. It also means that that your insurance company will pay for the damages to the other person's car if the accident is found to be your fault, but if it is the other person's fault, then their insurance will pay for the damages to your car.

Can you get money from the opther persons car insurance for your injuries even though the accident was your fault?

No. If the accident was your fault, you can not get money from the other person's car insurance.

Who or what insurance company pays for the collision damages to the automobile belonging to the person not at fault?

The other person's insurance covers damamge if it was their fault.

What is vehicle liability insurance?

Vehicle liability insurance is insurance that only covers the other car. That means that if you get in a wreck, you are liable for what happens to your car. It also means that that your insurance company will pay for the damages to the other person's car if the accident is found to be your fault, but if it is the other person's fault, then their insurance will pay for the damages to your car.

If your car was in an accident and the other person driving was at fault. Who's insurance should pay for your car damage?

the insurance of the person responsible for the accident

If you are in an accident and it is your fault does your insurance pay for both cars?

No lovey not if your the one at fault... Insurance only covers the other person if your at fault sorry honey..... It depends on what insurance coverage you have. The liability coverage that all states require you to carry on any registered vehicle will cover the other person's damage. If you also purchased collision insurance, that will pay for your vehicle (less the deductable).

Can a passenger in my vehicle come after my insurance company after an accident that was not my fault and the car that hit us had insurance?

If you have medical, yes because your medical under your car insurance covers your passengers, regardless of fault.

What does liabilty insurance cover?

Auto liability insurance covers physical damage to the other vehicle if you are at fault. It also covers injuries for parties in the other vehicle when the accident was your fault. It does not provide any coverage for your vehicle, you, or passengers.

Does Liability insurance cover your medical or the person with you in the accident?

Liability covers the other person that you damage. Uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage carries those in your vehicle. Medical payments coverage covers everyone involved regardless of fault.

What if you were in a car accident that was not your fault though you did not have insurance but the vehicle is insured?

If you are NOT at fault you have no responsibility and the vehicles insurance company that is at fault must pay all damages and costs including a rental car. If you are at fault it depends on the vehicles insurance policy if it covers alternate drivers.

If a taxi driver hits your car is it the drivers insurance or the owners insurance that covers the accident?

If a taxi driver hits you, and its his fault, the cab company's insurance pays.