I'm not entirely sure what is meant by "hot quotes." There are a number of places that provide relevant quotes by people, such as books and web sites dedicated to quotable speech.
One could find a list of various athletic quotes from Keep Inspiring Me. The have a list of the top 100 most motivational sports quotes of all time. Another good place is the Bleacher Report.
The movie "Grandma's Boy" was released in 2006. One can find a list of quotes from the movie on the movie's IMDB page, as well as from Finest Quotes and MovieWavs.
One website is FunnyQuoteSayings. This website has an extensive list of generally comical quotes from throughout history. InspirationalSpark is another good site, that contains a wider range of quotes.
A website called The Quotations Page has a large list of Confucius quotes. Another website called Think Exist also has a large list of Confucius quotes.
A list of quotes from the movie The Notebook can be found on quotation websites such as FinestQuotes, WikiQuote and QuotesWorthRepeating. The Notebook is a 2004 screen adaption of a novel by Nicholas Sparks.
On the My Hot Comments one can find lots of quotes and graphics which anyone can use on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Pinterest for free. You can also publish your own quotes and graphics on the My Hot Comments website.
One can find lists of quotes concerning evolution (among other topics) from websites that document quotations, such as Brainy Quote or Good Reads. Many of Charles Darwin's famous quotes are also concerned with evolution.
The ultimate website to find Yoda quotes on would be IMDb also known as Internet Movie Database. They can also be found on "saidwhat", "yoda.locutus", "shareranks" and "listafterlist".
You can find perseverance quotes online on websites like BrainyQuote, Goodreads, and Pinterest. You can also find them in books on self-help, motivation, or personal development. Additionally, many famous speeches or writings by inspirational figures often contain quotes about perseverance.
Collections of quotes can be found on many websites dedicated to collecting quotes. In many cases, these sites allow you to search for particular quotes based on theme. Sites like Brainy Quote offer a huge list of quotes, and has a large selection of dark quotes specifically.
One can find love poems and quotes on the 'Love Poem and Quotes' website. Here one can find a plethora of love poems and quotes on a variety of topics.
One can find homecoming quotes from quote websites. These websites include but are not limited to Goodreads, The Quote Garden, and more. If one is referring to quotes from the book Homecoming, one can find quotes from SparkNotes.