I've downloaded it from Limewire.
Burning Heart is a song by survivor. The song is sung by Jimi Jamison. The film that Burning heart was featured in was Rocky IV and was also put on the Rocky IV soundtrack album.
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One can download the song Paper Heart by Zac Efron visiting the iTunes store. Simply search for the Artist's name and the Song's title and then purchase the song for download.
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Russ Landau composed the Survivor theme song.
you can get any song at downloads.nl!! just type that into google!!
Sole Survivor - Asia song - was created in 1982.
A : Beyonce Wrote Song '' Survivor '' Album B : Track Off The '' Survivor '' Album C : Listen To It
iTunes or Limewire. Its My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion
There is a song written and performed by Matthew West in 2010 called Survivor.